If you want to hire a drone pilot for business purposes, you always need a drone operator who has undergone training and possesses at least an ROC-Light drone certificate. This licence is issued by the Inspection of Living Environment and Transport. Bjorn Mierop Productions has had this license since 2019, registered under number ILT-2019/44549.

Without the ROC-Light licence, both the drone operator and the client are in violation, and the flight is not insured. The fines can amount to several thousands of euros or even a prison sentence, and the liability for the pilot and the client in case of an incident can multiply this amount. Have you searched for a drone pilot online? Always ensure that this drone pilot has the necessary licence.

Every assignment begins with determining whether the task can be carried out within the current laws and regulations. If this is the case, we will provide you with a suitable proposal. These assignments can consist of delivering unedited aerial photos or drone recordings that you further edit yourself, or the production of fully edited drone videos.